How To Treat a Betta Fish With Popeye
Have you noticed that something is off with your betta fish? If you believe that your betta fish is suffering from Popeye, you have come to the right place. Luckily, there is a small chance that you are misdiagnosing your betta fish, even if they have all the symptoms of...
How To Care for Freshwater Aquatic Life
If you want to be a fish owner, you can’t assume the responsibilities are always the same across the board. You might think that caring for all types of fish involves the same requirements, but you couldn’t be more wrong. There are many differences, depending on what type of fish...
How To Treat Slime Disease in Fish
Freshwater aquariums run the risk of suffering from what is known as slime disease. This disease is when various parasitic infections of the skin ultimately cause the fish to produce abnormally high quantities of mucus. A sign of slime disease is when the fish in your aquarium have visible, cloudy...
How To Treat Fin/Tail Rot in Fish
One of the most common diseases that fish suffer from is fin rot. With that, it is also one of the most preventable. Fin rot is caused by several different bacteria that stem from issues in the environment. Do not let this disease go untreated. Read the information below for...
Common Fungal Infections in Fish
Unfortunately, fungal infections are common among fish. This obviously isn’t something you want to be the case when you’re an aquarium-owner; however, it is a reality on which you must educate yourself. If you happen to have an injured, diseased, or stressed fish, fungal spores in your aquarium can quickly...
How To Maintain the Health of Your Aquarium
Many assume that being a fish owner is easy, but these pets and their habitats still require regular maintenance, the same as any other pet. While caring for your fish and its aquarium is less time-consuming than caring for other animals, it still comes along with responsibilities. The information below...
How To Treat Swim Bladder in Fish
Any species of fish can suffer from swim bladder. This disorder occurs when the swim bladder does not function properly. There are many reasons why this can occur, including disease, environmental factors, and physical abnormalities. If a fish suffers from swim bladder, you will be able to tell, as they...
The Use of Antibiotics in Ornamental Fish Aquaculture
If needed, antibiotics can assist overall fish health. This is dependent on a multitude of factors and situations. When your fish becomes sick, take a look to see if the problem has a bacterial component, if the bacteria is sensitive to antibiotics, and what dosage is necessary. It’s important to...
How To Treat Popeye in Cichlids
Just like any other animal, fish get sick. Popeye is one of the most common diseases that fish can face. This disease is also known as exophthalmia, and it occurs when one or both of the fish’s eyes swell. You can easily prevent this disease but is harder to treat...
A Guide To Aquarium Maintenance
Want to do everything in your power to keep your aquarium in good condition and well maintained? There can be a multitude of areas and aspects to consider and watch when owning and caring for an aquarium. Here is an aquarium maintenance guide to assist you that goes over important...
Ulcer Disease Treatment for Fish
A sick pet always means a bummed owner; nobody wants this to be the case. Be a proactive owner and educate yourself on what exactly an ulcer is, how your fish can get it, and what treatment is available. Continue reading below for more details about fish ulcer treatment. Ulcers...
How Does Praziquantel Kill Parasites in Fish?
If your fish has parasites (or worms), no doubt you’re worried. However, you can treat your fish by using praziquantel to kill the worms. To learn how praziquantel fish treatment kills parasites, read this post. Praziquantel Causes Parasites to Seize and Pass or Deteriorate Praziquantel acts like a tranquilizer for...